Get moving with Beaufort Track Club Join the Beaufort Track Club at the Beaufort High School track from 6:30-7:30 p.m. each Tuesday night
MoreBeaufort History Museum to hold annual meeting Museum members and the public are invited to attend the Annual Meeting of Beaufort History
MoreBeaufort Drum Circle continues in January All are invited to share some good vibes with the Beaufort Drum Circle. Join us from
MoreCoupons for Soldiers Did you know that manufacturer’s coupons that have expired in the U.S. can still be used by overseas military
MoreBeaufort Historical Society offers lecture The Beaufort County Historical Society will offer a lecture by Jim Jordan, “Runaway Slaves Take Up Arms Against
MoreDecember activities at Hunting Island State Park There are fun, interesting and educational activities every day hosted by Park Ranger and Lowcountry