Beaufort’s Greg Davis, 79, was commissioned in the U.S. Air Force in 1968 from the Air Force ROTC unit at Ohio State
MoreThe Rotary Club of Beaufort celebrated the U.S. Marine Corps’ 248th birthday at its November 8 meeting. The first pieces of the
MoreBy Larry Dandridge Veterans can find the answers to commonly asked questions about Compensation and Pension (C&P) Exams at This article
MoreVeterans, Scouts give retired flags fitting farewell By Bob Sofaly The Island News PORT ROYAL In a ceremony just as somber and
MoreBeaufort’s Waverly (Chief) Patterson, 52, joined the United States Navy in Richmond, Va., in 1989. After Boot Camp at Great Lakes, Ill.,
MoreRecruits with Delta Company, 2nd Recruit Training Battalion, receive their Eagle, Globe, and Anchor on November 17 aboard Marine Corps Recruit Depot