Velez Masini wins U.S. Marine Corps Tri-Command Multi-Gun Match at Parris Island Staff Sgt. Bailee Darbasie U.S. Air Force JOINT BASE CHARLESTON
MoreBy Larry Dandridge According to the VA Home Loan Guaranty Buyer’s Guide, at, before buying a home, you should consider the
MoreBeaufort’s Don Murphy, 74, joined the United States Coast Guard in Johnstown, N.Y., in 1970. After Basic Training at Cape May, N.J.,
MoreRed Cross Dog Murphy at Naval Hospital Beaufort Chris Mokan and Therapy Dog Murphy visit the new Commanding Officer and Executive Officer
MoreBy Larry Dandridge This article will cover VA Home Loan eligibility, lender borrowing requirements, and the VA borrowing requirements, as well as
MoreBeaufort’s Hank Zellman, 74, joined the United States Marine Corps in Philadelphia in 1967. After Boot Camp at Parris Island, he trained