By Elizabeth Vanderpool • Photo by Mark Vanderpool Dancer’s Pose is a beautiful pose to work on balance and leg strength. To
MoreBy Megan Howe Photo by Mark Vanderpool Warrior I is a powerful pose that creates an opening in your chest, lungs, shoulders
MoreTRIANGLE POSE Trikonasana By Elizabeth Vanderpool Photo by Mark Vanderpool Triangle pose creates long, beautiful lines in your arms, legs and
MoreBreastfeeding 101 (Wednesdays) This two-hour class is designed to educate and prepare moms in the basic techniques and advantages of breastfeeding. Class
MoreLOW PLANK Chaturanga Dandasana By Elizabeth Vanderpool Photo by Mark Vanderpool Low Plank is an energetic pose that strengthens the muscles of
MoreStanding leg raise, side Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana By Megan Howe Photo by Mark Vanderpool Standing leg raise is a balancing pose