By Dr. Stephen W. Durham It is so important to be comfortable and confident about getting the care you need that sedation
MoreIs shoulder pain keeping you “off the green”? Whether your preferred green is the golf course, tennis court or garden, shoulder pain
MoreBeaufort Jasper Hampton Comprehensive Health Services, Inc. (BJHCHS) has two physicians that were recently recognized by the South Carolina Primary Health Care
MoreBy Chris Suddeth April 26 is fast approaching and that means the second Lady’s Island Reiki Clinic of 2015. This lovely holistic
MoreYou’ve probably heard that 70 is the new 50 – or perhaps 60 is the new 40. Whatever your age join Dr.
MoreBy Dr. Mark S. Siegel Malignant “choroidal” melanomas arise from the blood-vessel layer “choroid” beneath the retina. In North America, 6 out