HMV Management in Beaufort provided an educational opportunity to local third graders and staff from Beaufort, Mossy Oaks and Port Royal elementary
MorePhoto above: A woman walks down Harrington Street in Beaufort on Sept. 12. She can’t get too far as a large tree,
MorePhoto above: SCDNR biologist Bryan Frazier affixes a satellite tag to Harry-Etta’s dorsal fin. Photo by Taylor Main, SCDNR. Staff reports The
MoreBeaufort welcomed in the holidays over a fabulous weekend. The weather was gorgeous and good cheer abounded. The annual event started on
MoreGeoff Back took this stunning shot on the waterfront in Beaufort. To submit a Lowcountry Life photo, you must be the photographer
MoreGirl Scout Rainbow Troop 4105 made 20 Thanksgiving Dinner Bags for families at Lady’s Island Elementary School and St. Helena Elementary School.