Effort to honor firefighters, therapy dogs raises money for nonprofits
From staff reports
About a year ago, Rebecca W. Bass had an idea about how to pay tribute to some deserving heroes, while at the same time helping three important local organizations.
A year later, Bass had achieved her goals with the help of some friends – they had successfully honored the heroes, and during the last week in January, Beaufort County Animal Services, the Child Abuse Prevention Association (CAPA), and the S.C. Burned Children’s Fund each received checks for $2,700.

According to a media release from the S.C. Burned Children’s Fund, Bass, the Broker-in-Charge of SeaBass Properties, had initially approached the Beaufort/Port Royal Fire Department to establish regular visits to the fire station by certified therapy dogs to provide comfort and joy to the firefighters.
But the visits turned into something more.
Inspired by the rapport she witnessed between the firefighters and the therapy dogs, she conceived the idea of creating a 20-month calendar featuring local firefighters and therapy dogs as models.
Bass presented the idea to Deputy Fire Chief Ross Vezin, who recognizing the potential impact of the project, enthusiastically sought and obtained approval to proceed.
“Our firefighters look forward to the therapy dogs coming to visit the firehouse each month,” Vezin said in the media release.
Bass, an experienced photography whose work has been featured in numerous publications, conducted four photo shoots at diverse locations around the Beaufort/Port Royal area and donated her photographs to this project.
Bass recruited her friend, Rita Wilson, an owner of AlphaGraphics, to provide design and printing services.

“The best decision I made was inviting Rita Wilson and her team at Alphagraphics to design and print these calendars,” Bass said in the media release. “Not only did they do a magnificent job but Rita charged us only for the cost of the materials without any profit to her business.”
Each month in the calendar showcases a beautifully composed photograph of a firefighter, a therapy dog, and a fire truck, symbolizing the strength, courage, and compassion of our community’s first responders.
Fundraising events were sponsored by several local businesses including Shellring Ale Works, Ladys Island Feed and Seed, and Carolina Floral Design.
The project raised more than $8,000 — after deducting material costs for printing — which was distributed equally to Beaufort County Animal Services, CAPA, and the S.C. Burned Children’s Fund.
“I have truly enjoyed working with Rebecca and Ross on this one-of-a-kind project,” Wilson said. “Three community leaders came together to make something wonderful happen!”