The South Carolina Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (SCACVPR) has awarded the first ever Lifetime Achievement Award to Mark Senn, senior director of LifeFit Wellness Services at Beaufort Memorial Hospital.
“We created it with him in mind and named it the Mark Senn Lifetime Achievement Award to honor him for his dedication to the advancement of the profession,” said SCACVPR outgoing president Mark Clair. “He is the standard for everyone else to follow.”
One of the group’s longest-serving members, Senn helped draft the SCACVPR’s first set of bylaws in 1988 and has continued to serve on the leadership team during the last 30 years. He has been president of the organization twice and spearheaded a number of important initiatives. He also has served on the board of directors of the American Association of Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Rehabilitation.
The award was presented to Senn at the 28th Annual Symposium of the SCACVPR held in Columbia.
“It took me completely by surprise,” Senn said. “I knew the board had talked about creating a Lifetime Achievement Award to recognize folks who have made significant contributions to the organization, but I had no idea I was going to be the first recipient.”
A member of the Beaufort Memorial staff for 13 years, Senn has been instrumental in developing the hospital’s LifeFit Wellness Services and many of its programs, including Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab, the Diabetes Care Center, the Community Health Improvement Program, the Wellness Center and the Employee Health Department. In 2006, LifeFit Wellness Services won the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Innovation Award for the program’s unique and successful implementation of disease management through its LifeFit service line.
“I have a highly qualified staff and I appreciate the role they’ve played in accomplishing these things at the hospital,” said Senn. “I didn’t do this alone.”