BJWSA to hold meeting on North Street Transmission Main project

From staff reports

Beaufort-Jasper Water & Sewer Authority (BJWSA) Engineering Department will hold a virtual public meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, July 15 at 6 pm, to present plans for the North Street Transmission project. Register for the meeting at

This project consists of connecting existing water mains on Hamar Street and Robert Smalls Parkway with a 20-inch transmission main. These improvements keep BJWSA in compliance with South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) requirements.

Benefits include an increase in water flow and consistency of water pressure throughout the service area, improved service to customers in downtown Beaufort and Lady’s Island and an increase in capacity for emergencies such as fire protection. Additionally, these improvements will allow the authority to maintain a high ISO rating for the fire departments, which translates to insurance rate savings for customers.

Customers with questions regarding the project may go to or contact for additional information.

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