Beauty and logic simply don’t mix

By Takiya Smith

This past Sunday at church, I silently stood, mouthing a prayer for healing from the torment of flu like symptoms that had bothered me for nearly two weeks.  Yet, in my sincere and fervent petitions to the Lord, I could not help but focus more on how bad my feet hurt as I attempted to stay balanced, eyes closed and hands raised, while I teetered and swayed in my sky-high stilettos.  “What the heck was I thinking ever buying these shoes”, I thought.  “Why did I even come up to the alter to stand here knowing good and well that my feet were to pay a price”, I wondered.  Then, as I painfully tippy-toed back to my seat, sat down and eased off my super cute, snake skin grey and gold pumps, it hit me….these shoes are smoking hot! All thoughts of the price paid slipped away, just as any logic in beauty seemingly did so as well.
Later that day, after service, while eating dinner with a group of friends, I spoke up about my shoe experience.  Two of my friends chimed in with similar stories as we each agreed that we were so relieved to be out of our heels.  The next voice to speak up came from a male friend who calmly asked us why we even put ourselves through this day after day, week after week, instead of buying comfortable shoes.  I basically laughed, as another girlfriend looked at him in disdain, while another dropped her fork and finally a third friend spoke up and said “clearly, you don’t understand that there is no logic when it comes to beauty.  The two just don’t mix.”
What are your thoughts? Ideas, examples and feelings on what makes sense to you, what doesn’t and what is just in between?  Send emails or post comments on my blog at

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