Beaufort Memorial Hospital to offer Freedom from Smoking Program

If you long ago broke your New Year’s resolution to quit smoking, now is the time to get back on track with the “Freedom from Smoking” program being offered by Beaufort Memorial LifeFit Wellness Services later this month.

Developed by the American Lung Association and considered the “gold standard” in smoking cessation programs,” Freedom from Smoking” offers participants the best chance at kicking the habit for good.

Classes will be held Mondays 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., May 13, 20, (May 27 is a holiday so class date will be determined by attendees), June 3 with, 10, 17, 24 at the Beaufort Memorial Women’s Imaging Center located at 989 Ribaut Road, Beaufort. An extra support session is offered on Wednesday, June 5 — two days after “quit day” — to help ensure class members don’t break down and light up.

During the eight-class program, they’ll watch several DVDs and receive a “Freedom from Smoking” workbook, a relaxation CD and various helpful handouts.

The cost for the course is $30. Class size is limited, so reservations are required. To register, call 843-522-5570.

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Also called: Health scams, Quackery Health fraud scams involve selling medicines, supplements, devices, foods, or cosmetics that