Beaufort Eye Center spares no precautions

By Bob Sofaly

Like most Beaufort businesses and medical practices, the Beaufort Eye Center on Ribaut Road was trying to be as ready as possible for the coronavirus threat.

This past week, patients were greeted in the parking lot by staff members wearing masks and rubber gloves and asked a series of questions regarding the health and any recent travels to countries being ravaged by the virus.

Once called in, their external body temperature is taken from their forehead as they stand where documents taped to the walls and windows tell them of the dangers of the virus. All staff members, including office employees, wear masks and gloves and never touch a patient.

Some patients wait in a small waiting room if they need medical eye drops – every other chair is turned backwards to promote “social distancing” of about 4 feet. Once a patient leaves the waiting room, a staff member comes in with a fresh Clorox wipe and gives the chair a good rub down.

Once the patient has seen the doctor, he or she is escorted out the building while doors are opened for them, preventing them from touching anything.

Above: Elizabeth Smith of the Beaufort Eye Center tapes a warning to the entrance of the practice stipulating that they if they meet certain criteria, their appointment may be rescheduled. Photo by Bob Sofaly.

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