Jim Dickson

Be careful what you ask for


By Jim Dickson

For the last couple of months I have been whining to anyone who would listen, and to some who would rather not, that Kamala Harris keeps dodging straight questions about what her policies would be if she was lucky enough to be elected President. Wednesday she dropped an economic policy bomb that unless your name was Bernie or Elizabeth, it should send a cold chill down your spine. 

Come to think about it, that 82-page work of art could have been written by Senators Sanders and Warren with AOC cheering them on, … hmmm, I just may be on to something here. If Karl Marx was alive today he would have insisted upon that body of work be awarded a Pulitzer Prize.

The most amazing thing about it was that Harris opened her announcement by declaring, “I am a capitalist.” I can only conclude that she is confusing capitalism with “Das Kapital,” a series of three books that were written by Karl Marx back in the 19th century predicting the inevitable fall of the Capitalist system. No doubt she read the books back in her college days at the University of California. 

Marx, many of you will remember, was a German economist and philosopher often referred to as the “Father of Communism.” With this announcement the direction that she would take the country is no longer in doubt. The veil of the new and different Kamala has dropped, and we now know that she is the same Kamala that has worked hand in hand with Joe Biden the past four years, only this time on her own, and worse if you are not a Progressive.

The Wall Street Journal in its Friday, Sept. 27 edition on the Opinion page gives the article about Harris’ economic plan the headline “Bidenomics II.” They do a great job of breaking the plan into its various parts in clear and understandable language. I would recommend that you find a copy and read it. It is most informative. The basic parts of the plan are, higher taxes, new and bigger entitlements, more transfer payments, more housing subsidies, more student loan forgiveness, more government control of healthcare, more control of industrial policy, price controls, more union gifts, more green-energy largess.

In short it’s Bidenomics on steroids. If you have been happy with the past four years of economic policy, you are going to love this one, because it features more spending, more taxes, more regulation, and much more government than we have ever had in the history of the country.

In order to implement most of this, it must be passed by Congress, and you might feel pretty safe in saying that there is no chance that it could happen, but unfortunately there is. If the Dems win the Presidency and both houses of Congress, Sen. Chuck Shumer is already committed to doing away with the filibuster in the Senate. They would be able to pass bills with only 51 votes, and even if it splits, a Vice President Waltz would have the tie breaking vote. If the Dems hold the majority in the House, bills would sail through just as they did in the Nancy Pelosi days.

Wait you say, the Supreme Court would declare much of this as unconstitutional and save the day. However with the filibuster gone from the Senate they would be able to increase the number of justices, per President Biden’s announced plan, to assure a liberal majority. Harris would undoubtedly, with Senate approval, appoint enough liberal members to stop any corrective action the court might take.

If you are a dedicated Progressive you have to be ecstatic about what President Harris has in store for the country. If you are almost anyone else, you need to be very concerned, and vote to be sure that the Dems do not control all of the branches of government because the results would not be pleasant for most of us, and it would change the country’s direction into the foreseeable future.

Born, raised and educated in the Southwest, Jim Dickson served in the U.S. Navy Reserve in Vietnam before a 35-year business career. Retired to St. Helena Island, Dickson and his wife are fiscally conservative, socially moderate and active in Republican politics, though they may not always agree with Republicans. Having lived around the country and traveled around the world, Dickson believes that the United States truly is the land of opportunity.

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