Awakenings: Life’s only constant is change

They say the only constant is change, so here’s to creating constant change! I am very excited to announce the transition and expansion of what you have previously known as the Live Well .. Have Fun column by Martha O’Regan to Awakenings, a column to be shared by the many teachers at TheraVista, each with something magical to express and share with you. Knowing that we are all on our own unique path and at various stages of waking up to what is important in life, we intend to touch on new ideas and perspectives to support your growth and evolution while still living well and having fun. Our teachers, also students of life, offer a wealth of information and are very excited to share what they have learned through their “been there, done that” years of experience. We hope you will enjoy the many expressions of their gifts and talents.

With all that said, it is my honor and pleasure to present Brittney Hiller, of Brittney Hiller Yoga, as she shares about new beginnings, which seems quite appropriate as we transition to our new column. In Joy, Martha O’Regan

 By Brittney Hiller

I love setting intentions! This year I set my intention of 2014 to be my year of connection plus abundance.  I choose to set intentions instead of resolutions as I often cannot think of something I absolutely must resolve in my life.  However, I do have a lot of room for intentions.

Brittney Hiller by John Arthur Photography.
Brittney Hiller by John Arthur Photography.

To me, an intention gives me the space I need to create questions that I would like to answer. For example, as my 2014 opens with an intention of connection, I ask, “how may I incorporate more ways to connect with others in my life?”

I answer this question by connecting with others more so one on one or in the case of this piece I write to you today. I am getting out of the digital social media world that I have been hiding behind in 2013 and allowing myself to connect on a more personal level.

How does abundance show up — or better yet, what action steps can I take to receive abundance? For me, abundance comes in all forms, mostly showing up in love and gratitude. Setting an intention of abundance has allowed me to become more mindful of what I have to be thankful for already. I am becoming more clear on how to show gratitude toward everyone and everything that shows up in my life, thus feeling abundant.

So, have you set a resolution this year? How is that working out for you? If it may not be working, allow me to offer this tidbit — set your intention for this year. It can be anything. Do you want more love in 2014? Set an intention that 2014 is your year of love. The key to setting intentions is to listen, be still, have patience, and trust. Perhaps you ask yourself, what do I need to adjust in my life to receive more love? Are you holding on to negative feelings toward a person who is no longer a part of your life? The act of letting go or forgiveness may be all you need to do to allow more love to show up for you.

Know that your intention is for you and make it your own. Let go of the resolution and set an intention today.

Be bold, bountiful and prosperous in your new year, day and even this moment!

Brittney Hiller is known as one of the happiest Yoginis — she has practiced yoga for over a decade and can be found at every yoga studio in Beaufort. Find out more information on her at

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