Carol Lucas

Armchair psychology: a healthy (or not so) diagnosis


By Carol Lucas

Two very different “ailments” seem to be making the rounds these days: Trump Derangement Syndrome and MAGA “Dis-temper.”

I know that actual distemper is a contagious viral disease that affects a variety of mammals, including dogs, raccoons, skunks, foxes, and wolves. It can cause serious illness and death in these animals. Humans and cats are excluded … interesting.

My fancy is a bit tickled, however, by the notion that “dis-temper,” my own version of a prevalent disease of the mind evidenced by those far right extremists, is just as viable as Trump Derangement Syndrome. Furthermore, I find it much more dangerous.

Let’s examine Trump Derangement Syndrome, a derisive term created by those who follow Trump’s every word in a way that is akin to hero worship. I am almost tempted to turn it around and say those same folks suffer from the same deranged mindset as Trump, himself. However, I will stick to the originally intended topic.

These folks declare that we, and yes I include myself, hate Trump to the point that we have become deranged. So what exactly is “derangement?” A deranged person, by definition, is someone who is unable to think or act in a normal or logical way, often due to a severe mental illness. For example, someone might be described as deranged if they exhibit bizarre behavior, such as running down Bay Street naked.

Now I have yet to see an example of Trump Derangement Syndrome provided, nor have I seen what I would describe as “bizarre” behavior on the part of those who see Donald Trump as a danger.

Let me make it clear that I don’t hate Donald Trump, the man. I, as well as the people I know who find Trump’s behavior reprehensible, feel strongly that what he puts forth every time he opens his mouth is dangerous. Dangerous to our country as well as dangerous to world stability.

I ask you honestly and with a straight face, who can tolerate the notion of our country coming under the rule of a dictatorship, something Trump has admitted he will do? And if you think this was merely “off the cuff” commentary, look at the world leaders to whom he overtly pays homage.

Of course the ‘love letters’ from Kim is the first example that comes to mind. Those supporting the former president want to brush this aside with “oh, that’s just Trump being Trump.”

And my response is, “Only because you encourage Trump to be Trump.” You enthusiastically cheer him on.

Which leads to the question, “Why don’t you expect more from the man you would chose to lead our country? Furthermore, do you wish our country to be another North Korea?”

Then there is Russia’s Putin. Sadly, many Congressional leaders have shown the same adulation as Trump, and find themselves fawning over and cleaving unto the Russian oligarch.

Remember those eight senators who were wined and dined in Russia in a 4th of July celebration? One was Sen. Kennedy from Louisiana. They chose to spend the day that celebrates our independence in a country that interfered in our Presidential election in 2016. On that note, I suggest you watch the documentary “From Russia with Lev.” Pretty enlightening.

Then there was the meeting of Trump with top Russian officials behind closed doors with no coverage by reporters from the U.S. but ample coverage by Russian reporters.

The dictators whom Trump seems to openly admire, as shown by his own words include Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines whose nickname is “The Punisher.” He is quoted as saying, “Forget the laws on human rights. If I make it to the presidential palace, I’d kill you. I’ll dump all of you into Manila Bay, and fatten all the fish there.”

Retribution. Sound familiar?

Consider Xi Jinping. Trump’s take on this man from an April 28 Reuters interview: “He certainly doesn’t want to see turmoil and death. He doesn’t want to see it. He is a good man. He is a very good man and I got to know him very well.”

It might be noted here that Trump’s business ventures in China, as well as those of Ivanka Trump, have been viewed as a conflict of interest by many watchdog groups.

Then there is Erdogan, leader of Turkey. Trump called this man to congratulate him for setting forth a referendum that gives him (Erdogan) more presidential power. Do we see a pattern emerging?

If we who not only vehemently disagree with all of the above, but also fear it, are deranged, show me the path to lucid thinking.

And now to what I perceive as MAGA dis-temper, that other disease that seems to have overcome so many.

If you have read this far, I’d ask you to stop and process what I have presented above: the boot-licking on Trump’s part, of those foreign leaders who are more dictatorial than Presidential. That alone should be a pause for introspection.

Then there is the adherence to Project 2025, despite Trump’s denial. Of course he knows about it; it was conceived and created by many members of his first administration. While he struggles to distance himself, you, the voter should consider the following:

At least 270 proposals in Project 2025’s published blueprint for the next Republican president match Trump’s past policies and current campaign promises.

And, of course, the acceptance of the more than 30,000 documented lies, as well as the bizarre acceptance of “bleach” to cure COVID.

So I leave you with this: if I suffer Trump Derangement Syndrome, I know what the cure is. Keep Trump away from a second term. If you suffer from MAGA Dis-temper, consider what so many high ranking Republicans are doing. Put your country ahead of party. Help return to real honest-to-God Conservatism.

Try it, you might like it.

Carol Lucas is a retired high school teacher and a Lady’s Island resident. She is the author of the recently published “A Breath Away: One Woman’s Journey Through Widowhood.”

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