Jim Dickson

An Ode to Joy


By Jim Dickson

Joyfully they skip together, arm in arm down the Yellow Brick Road toward the Emerald City of their dreams, with joyous music and vocal accompaniment supplied by the liberal media playing happily, and loving their wonderful schemes. Kammy, the Coach, and the Tin Man determined to be rid of the Wicked Warlock of Orange Land, they face the future together bravely, hand in hand. 

It’s a dream come true, out with the old and in with the new. Forget what was said and done before it’s all in the past, the Tin Man did the best he could up until the last. Utopia is now within our grasp. What’s old is now new, what was once red is now blue. In the brave new world only the rich will pay the toll. The rest will ride free, what a joyful goal. 

Housing, college and child care will be human rights along with many more of Bernie’s socialist delights. Grocery prices will be set by bureaucrats who are wise and the fair, happiness and joy will fill the air. Government money will flow like Manna from heaven, and we will all do what we like, work, play or join a union and go on strike. 

Debt is not a worry, what’s a few trillion more, we know where it all comes from, just keep on printing and let the debt soar. Inflation is just a myth made up by the Orange Man to make the people fear, we will control the news so it will never happen here.

Believe it or not this song has been played many times before, it’s not really new, and all that have fallen for its false promises turn out to be very sad and very blue. Cuba, China, Russia, Venezuela, and Argentina, just to name a few. It all works out very well for the people at the top, they live very well with all the comforts that totalitarianism and corruption can bring while the rest of the people are waiting in long lines for the simplest thing. 

Wait you say, this can’t all be true, they have made promises of freedom and prosperity and wouldn’t lie to someone like me and you. They are so full of happiness and joy and they make me feel good, it’s one of the best feelings that I have had. The Wicked Warlock says things that make me feel bad. He says that I must work hard and pay my own way, no free stuff for tomorrow or today. I know in my heart that he might not be wrong. It’s a system that has worked so well for so very long, but I really don’t want to hear it while I am listening to a much more pleasant song.

When we get to the Emerald City we know that the Wonderful Wizard will speak, the man behind the mask will tell us how to obtain the happy life that we all seek. He will say listen to Kammy, the Coach and the Tin Man because they know what to say. The Wiz is all powerful, when he pulls the strings the puppet dances, sticks to the script and never takes chances. He also knows “If he gives you something for nothing, the nothing you give is everything that you have.” 

I know that rhyme or irregular meter may not be my forte, but I will share one more truth that I heard along the way. Some old Founding Father allegedly once said “A government that is big enough to give you everything that you want or need, is big enough to take it all away.” So please bear that in mind on voting day.

Born, raised and educated in the Southwest, Jim Dickson served in the U.S. Navy Reserve in Vietnam before a 35-year business career. Retired to St. Helena Island, Dickson and his wife are fiscally conservative, socially moderate and active in Republican politics, though they may not always agree with Republicans. Having lived around the country and traveled around the world, Dickson believes that the United States truly is the land of opportunity.

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