Jim Dickson

A few words in praise of the Vice President


By Jim Dickson

Since the powers that be in the Democratic Party selected Kamala Harris as their choice to be the next President of the United States, some very disturbing things are being said about her. Many are not true.

The first untruth is that she was appointed “Border Czar” by President Biden three years ago, and she has failed miserably at that job. The truth is that she did exactly what she was told to do, nothing. The result was an overwhelming success. We have a completely open border and as a result millions of illegal aliens from all over the world have flooded into the United States during her term as “Czar.” 

Working hand in hand with Secretary Mayorkas they have overseen what is probably the largest influx of potential Democratic voters in the history of the country. Job well done.

The second untruth is that she is a giggling, babbling mental lightweight who has failed at every job she has been given. Again nothing could be further from the truth. 

In 2019 when the Dems were desperate for someone to head off what looked like an almost certain Presidential nomination for Senator Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden was their last best chance. With the South Carolina primary coming up, Biden was not polling well and something had to be done, so a deal was cut with powerful South Carolina Congressman Jim Clyburn. 

Without first-hand knowledge of what was said, I am guessing that one of the conditions for his help was for Biden to appoint a woman of color for Vice President. Ms. Harris had run a failed campaign for President of her own earlier that year, and had withdrawn from the race, but she still had the backing of powerful and wealthy California Progressives.

Having had many years to know and understand Mr. Biden’s shortcomings, the party leaders knew that they had to pick someone for Vice President who would not make Joe look bad. Harris was the perfect choice.

I suspect that her instructions were to never say or do anything that would make her look smarter than the President, so she has spent the last three and a half years giggling, babbling and doing everything she can to make Joe look competent. One again she has taken the job and run with it with great success. As an added bonus she has protected the President from most people who might want to impeach him, knowing that if they do they will get her instead.

All that is now changing. She is a candidate on her own once again and can become her real self and will show the nation that she has the intelligence, experience, and the gravitas to become the leader of the free world. We will no doubt be seeing many examples of all of that in the mainstream media both on the nightly news and The New York Times and the Washington Post editorials. I am sure that the ladies of the “View” will be extolling Ms. Harris’s virtues on a daily basis while pointing out the contrast between her and the hated convicted felon and all-around bad guy, Donald Trump.

We are about to witness a transformational miracle that has never been seen before in modern politics. She will rise to the challenge much in the same vein as David and Goliath or Joan of Arc with the English, and we will see all that played out in the media everyday until the election. 

So now you know the truth, don’t listen to those who want you to believe what you have seen with your own eyes for the past few years. She is not an incompetent bungler. She has been a great success at every task that was given to her, and I am sure she will be just as successful if elected President.

Born, raised and educated in the Southwest, Jim Dickson served in the U.S. Navy Reserve in Vietnam before a 35-year business career. Retired to St. Helena Island, Dickson and his wife are fiscally conservative, socially moderate and active in Republican politics, though they may not always agree with Republicans. Having lived around the country and traveled around the world, Dickson believes that the United States truly is the land of opportunity.

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