Flynn named to Presbyterian College’s Dean’s List
Presbyterian College proudly salutes the success of its students by recognizing outstanding academic achievement. Ashley Flynn of Fripp Island is one of those students after being named to PC’s Dean’s List for the Fall 2024 semester. Students who make the Dean’s List earn at least a 3.5 to 3.9 grade point average for the semester.
PC provides students of all faiths, identities, and backgrounds with a transformative education that equips them for impactful careers and empowers them to serve as powerful forces for positive community and world change.
Lander announces President’s, Dean’s lists for Fall 2024.
To qualify for the Lander University President’s List, a student must earn a 4.0 GPA for the semester. Meanwhile, to qualify for the Dean’s List, a student must earn a 3.5 to 3.9 GPA.
Beaufort area students on the President’s List include Rose Castillo (Beaufort), Molly Smith (Beaufort), and Calvin Garcia (St. Helena Island)
Beaufort area students on the Dean’s List include Carolina Alvarez (Beaufort), Serenity Goethie (Beaufort), Caroline Malphrus (Beaufort), Avery Snyder (Beaufort), Camden Vuocolo (Beaufort), and Marjorie Wallace (Beaufort).
Lander University is a comprehensive public university in Greenwood that focuses on preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s workforce.
13 from Beaufort area named to Dean’s List at UMGC
More than 16,000 University of Maryland Global Campus students were named to the Dean’s List for the fall 2024 term, including 13 from the Beaufort area.. To be eligible for the honor, a student must complete at least six credits during the term, earned a grade point average of at least 3.5 for the term, and maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.5 at UMGC.
The area students named to the Dean’s List were Tylor Arnett, Beaufort (29902); Mark Brazzell, Beaufort (29902); Momo Castorena, Beaufort (29906); Artyoom Cobb, Beaufort (29906); Rogelio Garcia-Roman, Beaufort (29906); Kristen Haynescosio, Beaufort (29906); Jason Hill, Beaufort (29902); John Imms, Beaufort (29904); Jocelyn Lomba, Beaufort (29902); Diana Martinez Portuhondo, Beaufort (29906); Dillon Mckee, Beaufort (29906); Kevin Oquinn, Seabrook (29940); and Jeffrey Pinkney, Beaufort (29906).
University of Maryland Global Campus was founded more than 75 years ago specifically to serve the higher education needs of working adults and military service members.
10 from Beaufort area make SNHU President’s List
It is with great pleasure that Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) congratulates the following area students on being named to the Fall 2024 President’s List. The fall terms run from September to December.
Full-time undergraduate students who have earned a minimum grade-point average of 3.700 and above for the reporting term are named to the President’s List. Full-time status is achieved by earning 12 credits over each 16-week term or paired 8-week terms grouped in fall, winter/spring, and summer.
Area students honored include Kevin Valentia of Seabrook (29940), Mae Benton of Beaufort (29907), Xhesika Donovan of Beaufort (29907), Whitney Hardman of Beaufort (29906), Matthew Erazo of Beaufort (29906), Hope Bello of Beaufort (29906), Elisabeth Geines of Beaufort (29906), McKenzie Simpson of Beaufort (29906), Lakika Smalls of Beaufort (29906), and Norbert Trznadel of Beaufort (29904).
Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) is a private, nonprofit, accredited institution with a 92-year history of educating traditional-aged students and working adults.
Mazzeo named to dean’s list at Tufts
Thomas Mazzeo, Class of 2026 of Beaufort, was named to the dean’s list at Tufts University for the fall 2024 semester. Dean’s list honors at Tufts University require a semester grade point average of 3.4 or greater.
Tufts University — located on campuses in Boston, Medford/Somerville and Grafton, Mass., and in Talloires, France — is recognized among the premier research universities in the United States. Tufts enjoys a global reputation for academic excellence and for the preparation of students as leaders in a wide range of professions.
Compiled by Mike McCombs