The Island News weekly columnist and Lowcountry veterans advocate Larry Dandridge, left, received the Veterans Administration’s “Commendation of Meritorious Service” by Scott Isaacks, right, CEO of the Ralph H. Johnson (RHJ) VA Medical Center and Healthcare System, on Wednesday, March 5. Submitted photo

Dandridge receives VA Commendation of Meritorious Service

From staff reports

The Island News weekly columnist and Lowcountry veterans advocate Larry Dandridge was awarded the Veterans Administration’s “Commendation of Meritorious Service” by the CEO of the Ralph H. Johnson (RHJ) VA Medical Center and Healthcare System Scott Isaacks, at 3 p.m., Wednesday, March 5, 2025.

Lt. Col. Dandridge (U.S. Army retired) was honored in the auditorium of the VA Medical Center in front of RHJVA staff and department heads. The award citation said RHJ VA leaders gathered to honor and recognize the exceptional contributions of W. Larry Dandridge, who exemplified extraordinary leadership and unwavering dedication to the service of our nation, its veterans, and their families.

Isaacks and the citation praised Dandridge for his commitment to excellence in service, which spans 21 years as a Patient Adviser, Patient and Family-Centered Care (PFCC) Instructor, Fisher House Charleston Ambassador of Goodwill, Employment Assistant Adviser, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Coastal S.C. Association of the U.S. Army Representative to the RHJVA, Patient and Family Advisory Committee Member, and Stakeholder Committee Member at the RHJVA Medical Center and Healthcare System.

Isaacks said Dandridge has tirelessly advocated for our nation’s heroes and loved ones’ health and well-being. The citation noted that Dandridge’s valor was recognized in November 2023 when he was bestowed with South Carolina’s Highest Service Award — The Order of the Palmetto. The citation also mentioned that the S.C. House of Representatives honored Larry in House Resolution H.5224 on Feb. 13, 2020, reflecting his ongoing support for troops and veterans and his active role in legislative advocacy.

Some of the things that Larry has done for veterans over the past two decades include:

  • Working tirelessly to help obtain a parking garage, get a parking lot leased in West Ashely, establish a valet parking program, and end a parking shortage (and veterans missing appointments due to a lack of parking) at the main campus of the RHJVA Medical Center.
  • Advising on using world-class methods (leveling and balancing workload, moving services off the main campus, establishing a suggestion and complaint system in each clinic, a place for everything and everything in its place, etc.) to improve processes continuously.
  • Helping veterans write strong resumes, improve job searching, utilize SCWORKS.ORG, learn to network, improve thank you note writing, and find good jobs for dozens of veterans and their spouses.
  • Writing the award-winning “Blades Of Thunder (Book One),” donating profits from book sales and speeches, giving more than 150 speeches, and doing book signings raising more than $4.5 million dollars to buy the land Fisher House Charleston is built on. His book sales and speeches have raised more than $90,000 in funds and supplies for the Friends of Fisher House Charleston 501c(3) and Fisher House Charleston.
  • Helping to raise another million dollars to refurbish the old carriage house behind the Fisher House Charleston and to operate the facility.
  • Raising more than $2,000 with other veterans’ support organizations (WID, AUSA, Chas. RiverDogs) to buy newspapers for the inpatients and outpatients to read at the RHJVA Medical Center.
  • Establishing the first AUSA Charleston Chapter, “Wounded, Ill, Injured, and Needy Troops/Veterans Fund,” which provided same-day grants totaling more than $50,000 to veterans referred to AUSA by RHJVA OIF/OEF Social Workers and others.
  • Helping found and support the Tri-county Veterans Support Network (TCVSN), serving as AUSA Coastal SC Chapter point of contact for basic needs, employment assistance, and more.
  • Serving briefly as a Veterans Service Officer for the Charleston County Veterans Affairs Office.
  • Promoting, participating in, and writing newspaper articles supporting the Library of Congress Veterans History Project.
  • Writing more than 200 articles for the The Island News, ALL ABOUT SENIORS, and over 20 other magazines and newspapers on veterans’ benefits, how to apply for those benefits, and how to appeal bad VA decisions.
  • Serving for 21 years as the VP for Veteran Affairs (and President three times) for the Charleston, now Coastal Carolina Association of the U.S. Army Chapter.
  • Serving two years as the Charleston Military Officer’s Association of America (MOAA) chapter VP for Veteran (Personal) Affairs.
  • Raising more than $30,000 through AUSA and donating it to the RHJVA Medical Center Volunteer Program.
  • Encouraging Rotary clubs, Lions clubs, Exchange clubs, Kiwanis clubs, community, military history clubs, DAR Chapters, veterans service organization posts/chapters, and others to adopt Fisher House Charleston and the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center and volunteer there.
  • Personally, helping hundreds of veterans through meetings, speeches, phone calls, emails, and texts to better understand their federal and state veterans’ benefits and how to apply for those benefits (and appeal bad VA decisions) — constantly referring them to the S.C., Ga., N.C., and other state Veterans Service Offices and Veterans Service Officers.

Dandridge’s citation reads, “Let it be known that in recognition of his (Larry’s) extraordinary service, dedication, and unwavering support for veterans of this great nation, W. Larry Dandridge is hereby awarded this ‘Commendation of Meritorious Service’ as a symbol of gratitude from the Ralph H. Johnson VA Health Care System, with a deep appreciation for his service and commitment to enhancing the lives of veterans across The United States of America. The citation is signed by the Director of the VHA Southeast Network Director, Dr. David M. Walker; the Acting Director of the VA Center for Development and Civic Engagement, Mr. Wesley R. Walls; The Director/CEO of the RHJVA MedicalCenter and Health Care System, Mr. Scott Isaacks, and The Program Manager of Volunteer Service, Mr. Dwight D. Kress.”

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