Helping a loved one with Alzheimer’s through the holidays  – The Island News – Beaufort, SC

Helping a loved one with Alzheimer’s through the holidays 


By Paul Mazzeo, MD

While festive, the holidays also can be stressful, with chaotic schedules, last-minute shopping and preparations for time with family and friends. 

But for many people with Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia, the holidays can be a particularly confusing and disruptive time in terms of changes in routines, and people who may be perceived as strangers visiting.

Several strategies may help navigate this time.

Planning for the holidays is key. Involve the person with dementia in the preparations. Opening holiday cards together may help trigger long-term memories. Hanging ornaments on the tree and stirring the Christmas cookie batter can provide a sense of purpose and satisfaction.

Try to avoid overstimulation with elaborate holiday displays of blinking lights and large decorations that can lead to disorientation. Lighted candles and decorations that may be mistaken for edible treats should be avoided. Alcohol should be restricted. 

You may wish to limit the size of gatherings or number of visitors if your loved one is easily confused and agitated. Communicating with your guests about your loved one’s condition will limit the distress that may be caused by “do you remember me?” questions. 

A phone call with the visitor in advance might provide a happy anticipation to the arrival and may facilitate recognition. Schedule visits at the best time of day for the individual and limit the duration of gatherings to what you feel your loved one can tolerate. Realize that dementia sufferers can fatigue easily, which often manifests as more confusion. 

Maintaining a routine is important. Visits should be held in the person’s most familiar surroundings. For a person residing in an assisted living or skilled nursing facility, however, the increased activity of other residents’ friends and relatives visiting can lead to disorientation. Use your best judgment whether your loved one feels more safe and secure with structured activities in the facility or at an outing with friends and family.

Gifts for someone with dementia should account for their impairments. For instance, an electric coffee maker or teapot that turns off automatically, calendars or medication holders are items that many people with dementia can use to help them adapt to their illness. Less practical but more emotionally gratifying gifts can be family photo albums, familiar music, recordings of church sermons and gift certificates for a hairstyle or manicure. 

It may be overwhelming for a caregiver during the holidays to maintain traditions while also providing care to their loved one. Don’t forget to reserve time for yourself and communicate realistic expectations to those around you throughout the season. 

And remember: Despite the challenges of dementia, the holidays still can be a rewarding time for you and your family.

Paul Mazzeo, M.D., is a board-certified neurologist with Coastal Neurology and sees patients in Okatie and Beaufort. He is medical director of the Beaufort Memorial Memory Center

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