Kevin Phillips

Port Royal Mayor Phillips endorses Mace


From staff reports

Port Royal Mayor Kevin Phillips has endorsed incumbent Congresswoman Nancy Mace in the race for the 1st Congressional District seat.

Phillips credits the Congresswoman’s advocacy for Parris Island as the reason for his endorsement.

Nancy Mace

“Congresswoman Nancy Mace has come through on her promises to Port Royal. She honored her commitment to protecting Parris Island, introducing the only legislation to ensure it remains in the Lowcountry and continues to train Marines,” Phillips said in a news release. “Nancy Mace has my complete endorsement for re-election.”

“Mayor Kevin Phillips’ endorsement serves as recognition for the promises we have made, and kept over the last four years,” Mace responded in a news release. “Parris Island belongs in the Lowcountry, and it’s because of leaders like Kevin that we can take pride in the historical pillars that the site holds true. Thank you Kevin for the endorsement, and for trusting us to take care of Parris Island for two more years.”

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