Cold weather leads to low water pressure, leaks

From staff reports

Officials of Beaufort-Jasper Water and Sewer Authority (BJWSA) are issuing a critical notice to its customers after they dealt with leaks and pressure challenges over the long holiday weekend.

We detected leaks at more than 3,000 customer locations over the cold weekend. These leaks have led to low water pressure in some areas of the system.

The low pressures pose a potential risk of a boil water notice. However, as of now, that notice has not been issued. A boil water notice is different from a precautionary boil water advisory because it requires boiling.

If customers suspect a leak, BJWSA advises to turn off water at the shutoff valve. This video shows how:

BJWSA is currently reaching out to customers who are experiencing critical leaks.

“We encourage customers to look at their EyeOnWater usage to see if you have a leak. If you haven’t already, sign up for EyeOnWater and monitor your usage all the time. You can sign up by following the link from this page:,” BJWSA Director of Public Affairs Pam Flasch said in a news release.

Customers who cannot shut off their valves may call 843-987-9200 to arrange for a technician. Find more information at

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