Carol Lucas

No shame means no responsibility


By Carol Lucas

In the waning days of persistent media hype over the upcoming election, my weariness has brought me to an all-time depressive low when I think about the state of our country and the possibilities that lie ahead. Never in my 59 years of voting have I felt the angst that has overtaken me.

My fears don’t lie with concern over my own life or lifestyle, but rather that of my daughters and granddaughters. Yes, I have heard references about periods in our history when people were attacked, including those in office. I lived through the assassination of John Kennedy, the killings at Kent State, riots in Watts and the attempt on Ronald Reagan’s life. What I have never felt so deeply, however, is the sense of hatred that permeates this country, as well as the flagrant display of hatred and the willingness to act upon it.

Making this even more terrifying is the condoning, applauding and open participation in that hatred by elected officials. Decency and a moral core are a thing of the past, and “anything goes” seems to be accepted by more than a handful. Two primary examples of this disregard occurred just this week.

The first was the response to the brutal attack on Paul Pelosi, husband of the Speaker of the House. One shouldn’t have to be affiliated with any party to find this abhorrent. Yet, Virginia Governor, Glenn Youngkin chose a political rally (why not – more bang for the buck) to address this occurrence by flippantly saying that this would “send Nancy back to California to be with her husband.”

A spokesman quickly rushed in to point out that “the Governor did say that there is no place for violence, that he wishes Mr. Pelosi a full recovery, and he is keeping the family in his prayers.”

Really, Governor? You have the gall to trot out your pseudo-Christian prayer “ethic” after that crass and insincere statement?

To say Youngkin, a supposed mainstream politician, made light of a crucial situation is the quintessential understatement. It should also be noted that the crowd response to Youngkin’s taunt was less than enthusiastic. One can only suspect that even they were a bit horrified since very few cheered.

Sadly, Virginia isn’t the only state ‘blessed’ with consummate hypocrisy. Our own Lindsey Graham is right up there in the front row. (As a side note, I need to say that I, a life-long Democrat, used to have positive thoughts about Mr. Graham. Much of this was based on his close ties with John McCain. Readers, you remember McCain … a true Conservative?) I believe that same Graham has sold his soul to the Devil, the 45th President, even to the point of buying into the conceit of the ‘token man of color.’ Make no mistake regarding my assertion; watch the clip of Graham, with Herschal Walker by his side on the Sean Hannity show, touting the notion that if Walker wins, this would mean the GOP is not racially biased.

“The Dems fear this,” said Graham. To further quote Graham, after his little shuck and jive routine that included shouting at Hannity, “me and you are racist, Sean.” Then comes the icing on the cake, the cherry on the sundae: Graham points to Walker, who all along has been standing there, gazing into the camera without offering a word, and says, “Democrats are afraid every young child of color might want to become a Republican.”

Just a reminder, Lindsey – those young impressionable kids you hope will become Republicans are more interested in their current black heroes. It won’t be Walker who influences their political bent.

So this has become the GOP brand – tokenism and taunts. For those of you who are real Conservatives in your thinking, I have no small degree of sympathy for what the Republican party has become. I have billed myself before as an Independent, and I want to make it clear that I don’t buy into the radical branch of my party either. Compromise is a dirty word nowadays, and this stance on both sides leads us to where we are today, on the brink of losing our democracy.

But make no mistake that the depths of depravity to which the Republican party descended, as well as those who don’t think this way but stand by silently, put our nation in a perilous position. The above examples, along with Kevin McCarthy’s comment that he wants to hit Nancy Pelosi with the gavel, leads to nowhere good or safe. Sadly, there is no shame; therefore, there is no responsibility.

Carol Lucas is a retired high school teacher and a Lady’s Island resident.

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