Letters to the Editor

YMCA thanks sponsors for lock-in
The New Year’s Eve Rockin’ Lock-in was a huge success for the Wardle Family YMCA. Dozens of children enjoyed fun and games throughout the night and even rang in 2012 watching the televisions on the treadmills in the fitness room. This event was made possible through generous donations from our community sponsors.  A delicious assortment of food was graciously donated by Papa Jones, Carolina Wings, Taco Bell, Coca-Cola and Crave Cupcakes. “We expect next year to be an even bigger success!” says Kaylin Caron, Childcare Director at the YMCA. “I want to personally express my gratitude to all donors!”

An overlooked section of Lady’s Island
Having read the column by Peggy Allard about Crystal Lake in the December 8-15 issue of “The Island News,” one feels some points should be made about an overlooked section of Lady’s Island.  Crystal Lake is beside Lady’s Island Drive which opened in 1980 and became the eastern boundary of that overlooked section.  Our northern boundary is U.S. 21, or Sea Island Parkway.   Our western boundary is the Beaufort River and Meridan Road.  Our southern point and smallest section is near the McTeer Bridge where Lady’s Island Drive meets Meridan Road.
It was along a portion of Meridan Road, about an half mile west of the lake, where a school child was injured and the question of sidewalks was once more raised. That request apparently has been long forgotten but the county was able to donate $3.2 million to convert Crystal Lake into a play thing.
Youmans Drive has one end at Meridan Road and the other end at Sea Island Parkway.  When Beaufort High School was built on the north side of the drive, some of us thought for sure sidewalks would be built along that road.  Eleven years have passed and no sidewalks along Youmans Drive
During that 11 years, school buses have used that section of Youmans Drive from Sea Island Parkway to Beaufort High’s bus entrance. The section of road was not designed for that traffic and is badly deteriorated. But apparently it is better to make a toy of Crystal  Lake.
There were a few of us thinking that when the newer McTeer Bridge was completed that at last a light would be placed near the Meridan Road and Lady’s Island Drive intersection.  Another foolish idea.
The saddest parts about using our tax payer money on making Crystal Lake an adult toy is it could have been used to improve our section of Lady’s Island and our children would not continue having to walk along unsafe roads.
Robert Joseph Williams
Lady’s Island

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Obituary: Beekman Webb

Beekman Webb of Beaufort, S.C., a beloved husband, father, and grandfather passed away peacefully at home