Letters to the Editor

A poem for our times: The Recalcitrant Mascot           

In mid-July, I visited my favorite cousin Lou
Who happens to live in the Cleveland Zoo.
After leaving the zoo, I strolled through the town,
And for a short time, my world was upside-down.

I bumped into a dandy dude who wore a silken ascot.
With no intro, he asked if I would be his personal mascot.
(My granny was a mascot. Maybe I should give it a shot.)
I shrugged and asked myself out loud, “Why not?”

Then I guess I put that dandy dude on the spot
By asking him, “What’s a personal mascot?”
Said he, “You’ll be my . . . uh . . . my lucky charm,”
“A bite of your breakfast cereal?!”  I joked with mock alarm

“No,” he exploded, “you pachydermal Dumbo!
You fat dumpy Bimbo!  You infernal Jumbo!”
Then–abruptly– he cooed, “I’ll make you the richest cow in your herd,
You can hop on my HUGE band wagon (but you mustn’t speak a word).”

To restore my self esteem, I spoke: “My name is Ella Fant.
I always speak my mind – you can’t tell me that I can’t.
Mark my words: You are childish, unstable, and rude,
And I will never, NEVER be your mascot, dude.”

Said he, “When I asked you to be my mascot (an honor many have desired),
You accepted with ‘Why not?’ I nodded; thus you were hired,
But, you chump, you failed to perform your duty as required.
My name is Donald Trump, and Ella Fant, you’re fired!”

Peggy Perry

Thank you to all who helped with free backpacks

The Back to School Fun Day organization would not be able to provide families with free backpacks filled with school supplies without the support and partnership of our local Bluffton businesses, churches, individuals and volunteers each year.

A warm and sincere thank you to all who supported our event in the Bluffton community for the 6th Annual Back to School Fun Day held July 30 at Bluffton High School.

With your charitable donations, we were able to provide over 400 youths with backpacks filled with the necessary supplies to start school off in a positive way.

We also would like to thank the following who provided free services and or information: Blooms Senior Living owners for donating 150 backpacks; Beaufort Jasper Comprehensive dental mobile unit; Walmart Vision Center; Coastal Carolina and Hilton Head Hospital Wellness; Bluffton Family Chiropractic; A+ Mathnasium; Zoe’s Kitchen; the Beaufort Black Chamber of Commerce; and the town of Bluffton’s Fire and Police departments.

A special thank you goes to Theresa Lacey with CODA and Chloe Gordon with the Beaufort County School District for accepting the invitation to be presenters for the two educational workshops parents/ guardians had to attend before they could receive a backpack for their child(ren).

Together we are making a difference in the lives of others in our community.

Sharon Brown
Event Coordinator

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