Letters to the Editor

More boat owners should participate in Parade of Boats 

We all know the holidays are coming rapidly, so we wanted to make this request with ample time to prepare for the “Parade of Boats” for the 2014 event on our waterways.

Last year, the parade was advertised in various modes of media and the turnout of spectators was tremendous! There was no place to park in downtown Beaufort, so people walked from many locations to enjoy this festive occasion. There were tourists, locals, business people, families and even lots of pet dogs. It was hyped up to be such an auspicious occasion that one would not want to miss it!

Well, there were only seven boats in the entire parade to represent all the boat owners, businesses and waterfront property owners in Beaufort, which is surrounded by water. There are docks and boats everywhere you look in our town, but only seven bothered to decorate and ride in our battery for the holiday parade of boats! Needless to say, it was over in seven minutes and a disappointment to all the spectators who dressed up, spent money at local restaurants to eat, bought gas, put money in parking meters, stressed out due to lack of parking, bought libations, coffee, tea, ice cream, etc., even souvenirs and trinkets.

We are in awe of the fact that with all the boat owners in “Beautiful Beaufort By the Bay” that there was such a lack of participation for such an auspicious occasion to create pleasant family memories for our town. Maybe it should be mandatory for the boat owners who dock right at our waterfront and tie up our waterways and contribute to the pollution of our Beaufort waterfront property downtown. They should feel obligated to participate in the downtown festivity of the “Parade of Boats.” After all, they dock downtown all year-round, so why not decorate for the parade and show appreciation by being part of the event.

Disappointed Citizens of Beaufort, SC


Sometimes The Salvation Army doesn’t act very neighborly 

Last Saturday, our neighborhood held an event to get to know one of the candidates running for Beaufort City Council. It was nothing fancy, big or raucous, just a chance for neighbors to get together and learn more about the issues in this upcoming election with chips, hot dogs and beverages.

We figured most people would walk, but anticipating that some may choose to drive, we offered up a suggestion that they could find a few parking spaces at the Salvation Army. Living next to the Salvation Army for eight years, we know they do not use the building on Saturday evenings, and we have informally used it in the past during neighborhood events without incident.

Apparently, word travelled back to the powers-that-be and they told us we are not to use the parking lot. The irony is that the Salvation Army, a civic organization, is forbidding use of their parking lot for a civic event.

We understand that it is their property and they have every right to restrict its use. We also understand there are other charities to donate to this holiday season.

North Street Neighbors


Beaufort is the best place to start a small business

“I believe that Beaufort is the best place to start a business because it is big enough to provide good word of mouth and small enough not to be run out by the large box stores.” Owner of Beaufort Dog, Kelley Blackston, believes the secret to her business success is the atmosphere and people of Beaufort. She is an expert in behavior and training (a local dog whisperer).

She and her husband, Jason, started as a part-time hobby out of their home on Lady’s Island. Since, she has teamed up with her marketing consultant husband, and groomer Micheal Moreria to create an all inclusive dog spa, daycare, boarding, and training business. It only took one year to win over the first vote of best pet boarding and grooming. Beaufort Dog was voted best five years in a row this year, proving that the small, family business thrives in Beaufort, SC. It is also still reasonable to get a decent space downtown.

Recently, the owners have expanded, with a small equine staff and boarding services in Seabrook, and start-up marketing services for other start-up businesses seeking the same results. They have also added a third child in addition to many, many furry ones into their family.

The Blackstons and Beaufort Dog want to thank Beaufort County for being so small-business and family friendly.

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