Saying farewell from Kooky Mooky’s

It was roughly four years ago that we first hung our open sign. It was a hot day on the waterfront and our new-to-us ice cream box didn’t want to cooperate. But we were so excited we hardly noticed. Our dream had finally come to fruition. More specifically, my parent’s dream.

Ever since I was a little girl, my parents have loved to cook and serve others. I used to think it was annoying when I’d find a stranger seated at our Thanksgiving table. But that was just them. And eventually I got used to it.

Even during the years of providing for our family through the construction business, my parents found ways to cook together. For youth groups, our church, even weddings. It was their way of loving on people and showing how much they cared. When my brother, sister and I were old enough, we joined in. It was something we enjoyed doing together. It brought us closer as a family and well, it was just fun!

It was also their dream. To own a place where we could all feel a part of. To pass down to the grandkids. To serve our community. To love on people.

Four years ago that life-long dream finally became a reality. When we started scooping ice cream out of that incorrigible ice cream box, making countless sandwiches off of our tiny Panini grill, making our homemade chili for our Cally’s Coney Island Dog and serving up sundae’s and your favorite milk shakes and slushies.

We had no idea what we were doing, really. But mostly, we had no idea how much we would come to love each and every one of you.

On the cold and rainy days when it was slow as molasses, it was you who kept us there. And when the heat waves rolled through and nobody had the energy to venture much past their porch, it was you who made us stay. In the moments of frustration, when it made more sense to close, it was you who kept that open sign hanging on the door with the happy finger prints welcoming you in. And to you we will be eternally grateful.

You have made the past four years simply wonderful. We have loved getting to know you and refilling your drinks. We have loved learning your “usuals” and getting them just right. We have loved explaining the meaning of our “kooky” name. We have loved hearing your compliments on our homemade items and yummy concoctions. We even put a few of yours up on the menu! You’ve simply been the best.

So we wanted you to hear it from us. It’s not because of you that we are closing. It’s not the economy (although it really tried hard). It’s not because we don’t like it anymore (can you hear the tears dropping off our cheeks?) It’s not because we’re sick of ice cream (but could do without the extra weight). No, it’s something simply out of our control. Like most businesses on Bay Street and the surrounding area, we are renters. And when your landlord refuses to renew your lease, you are forced to leave. And in our case, we are being forced to close the doors we so lovingly opened to you all, for now.

As most of us learn in life, not every dream ends in “happily ever after.” Believe me, we are heartbroken over having to close. Kookys has become a very important part of our family. But we simply have no other choice at this time. We are sad, but we are also trusting. Trusting that God leads even in the no’s and that wherever He may take us, His light will continue to shine brightly.

Thank you to each of you who have made our journey a sweet one. May you each be blessed.

The Kooky Mooky Family

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