Bob Sofaly photo Workmen with Quality Hardscapes in Okatie were busy in the Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park on Monday (3/22) removing some of the dirt where historical markers commerating Beaufort’s 300 anniversary were located. Edgar Silva of Quality Hardscapes said pavers are going to be laid down as well as new park benchs and re-landscaped. The markes will then be put back where they were. “It’s going to look really nice when we’re done”, he said. The entire project should be complete by the end of the week.


Photo and story by Bob Sofaly

Workmen with Quality Hardscapes in Okatie were busy in the Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park on Sunday and Monday removing some of the dirt where historical markers commemorating Beaufort’s 300th anniversary were located.

Edgar Silva of Quality Hardscapes said Monday, that in addition to new landscaping and park benches, pavers are going to be laid down. The markers will then be put back where they were.

“It’s going to look really nice when we’re done,” he said.

The entire project should be complete by the end of the week.

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