What To Do the week of February 4th-10th

YMCA opens spring soccer registration  

Registration is now open for Youth Outdoor Spring Soccer at the YMCA of Beaufort County through Feb. 23rd. Kids age 3-12. Costs are $55 per child for Y members and $70 per child for non-members. Register at the YMCA in Port Royal (1801 Richmond Ave.) or online: ymcabeaufortcounty.com. Scholarship assistance is available. Questions? Contact James Penley, Sport Coordinator at 843-522-9622 or email sports.ymcabeaufort@gmail.com.

Main Street Beaufort hosts February’s First Friday after Five 

Main Street Beaufort, USA, announces First Friday after Five’s February event on Friday, February 5, 2016. Many downtown businesses will remain open until 8 p.m. to accommodate citizens who work until 5 p.m. or later.  Local musicians use the opportunity to play acoustically on Bay Street and surrounding areas. Some stores offer refreshments, others offer artists demonstrations, and some offer special discounts for the evening. First Friday after Five allows locals the opportunity to shop locally, reunite with longtime businesses and be introduced to newer ones. For more info, call  at 843-525-6644 or visit www.downtownbeaufort.com.

Cook, dance, & bid at local elementary school

Mossy Oaks Elementary is hosting our 5th Annual Chili Cook off/School Dance and Silent Auction. This year they are honoring firefighters. Come out for music, dancing & silent auction — fun for the entire family! Fantastic items valued at over $2000 will be auctioned including a signed and numbered print “Coastal Morning” of SC signed by artist Bob Gecy, great baskets by each grade, golf packages, and more! All proceeds benefit our kids! The event is Friday, February 5th in the MOES gym from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Reagan birthday party set for February 5

The Beaufort Federation of Republican Men is sponsoring a birthday party on Friday, February 5th to celebrate the 105th birthday of President Ronald Reagan. Michael Miller will share his personal reminiscences of the Reagans and also discuss how important Reagan’s legacy is for the nation as we select a new President later this year. Mike, who authors a political blog called Mike’s America, worked in the Reagan White House Political Office.

The party will be held at the Quality Inn at Town Center in Beaufort. Festivities start at 5:30 p.m., with dinner being served at 6:30 p.m. Dress will be “Ranch Casual” (i.e., jeans/western shirts encouraged for both men and women). Tickets are $35.00. A pulled pork barbecue dinner, mac ‘n cheese, beer, wine, soft drinks and birthday cake are included. Net proceeds will benefit The Reagan Ranch/Young America’s Foundation and The Beaufort County GOP Hillsdale College Scholarship Fund. Additional details and a registration form can be found at www.beaufortgop.com.

Beaufort Dog beings 2016 classes and clubs

Beaufort Dog offers first their obedience class of 2016. February 6th 10:00 a.m. at 1307 Boundary Street. Six weeks in duration. Contact 843-812-5394 or email Kelley@beaufortdog.com for more information.

The Beaufort Agility Club begins spring session February 6th at 10:45 a.m.  1307 Boundary Street, six weeks, beginner to advanced. There is a $120 fee. This is a non-profit club. Call (843) 812-5394 to register or email Kelley@beaufortdog.com.

Help of Beaufort to benefit from Cook-Off

St. John’s Lutheran Church, located at 157 Lady’s Island Drive, Beaufort will host their 6th Annual Community Chili Cook-Off on Saturday, February 6 from 5 to 7 p.m. This event is held each year to benefit local community organizations. This this year’s cook-off will benefit Help of Beaufort, which provides emergency assistance to persons in the Beaufort community with food, clothing, or financial needs. Other churches in the community participate in the event.

Anyone in the community is invited to enter the competition. Local “celebrity judges” award fun prizes to the three best, as well as “most unusual” chili recipes. In addition, the judges award a “pastor’s prize” to the best chili made by one of the participating congregations. Finally, a People’s Choice award is given to the crowd favorite. All who attend are asked to make a minimum donation of $6. 100% of these proceeds will go to Help of Beaufort. For more details, including information about how to enter your chili recipe, go to www.StJohnsBeaufort.org.

Montessori Programs Open House to be held at Beaufort Elementary

Stop by and see what makes these educational options different. Come to the Open House for Beaufort Elementary School Montessori Programs Grades 1–5, AMES Program Grades 3–5 (must qualify) on Monday, February 8th — Montessori Program: 5:30 – 6:15 p.m. & AMES Program: 6:30 – 7:15 p.m. and on Wednesday, February 10th — AMES Program: 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. & Montessori Program: 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. If you are not able to attend either of these meetings, please call 843-322-2600.

Join fellow Military Officers for a lunch

The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) Lowcountry Chapter invites you to its quarterly social/biz luncheon, Feb. 9th at the MCAS Beaufort Officers Club. The speaker will be Solicitor Duffie Stone, Chief Prosecutor for Allendale, Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton & Jasper counties. The event starts at 11:30 a.m. with a meet ‘n’ greet; noon lunch, $17; cash bar; casual. RSVP by Feb. 4 to Bill Severns at mnbseverns@aol.com or (843) 263-0600.

Beaufort Aglow sets meeting with speaker

Beaufort Aglow will meet Saturday, February 13th at The Gulligan’s Seafood Restaurant, 2601 Boundary St, beginning 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The speaker will be Mrs. Rosa Cummings of Bethel Word and Worship Center, Beaufort, SC. Mrs. Cummings overcame sickness and knows the healing power and deliverance in the emotional and physical realms. For information please call (843) 575-5377 or (843) 524-1768.

Concert to be held by a Korean children’s choir

The Jubilee Boys and Girls Choir from the Wangsung Presbyterian Church in Seoul, Korea will perform in concert at The Baptist Church of Beaufort, 600 Charles St. on Wednesday, February 17 at 6 p.m. There is no cost for admission. For information contact Melanie Williams at (843) 252-4104.

Imaging flying 19,000 miles every year

Fripp Audubon has a very special speaker scheduled for their next meeting on February 25th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Deborah Cramer, author of A Tiny Bird, An Ancient Crab & An Epic Journey will share the incredible story of the amazing Red Knots and the critical role our Lowcountry plays in one of Nature’s greatest stories. Each year Red Knots undertake a near miraculous 19,000 mile journey. This little bird’s life depends on its epic journey to meet an ancient crab.

Upcoming library events

Event: There’s Rhythm in the Telling with Award-Winning Storyteller J’Miah Nabawi
Date: Saturday, February 6th at 11:00 a.m.
Location: Beaufort Branch Library, 311 Scott Street
Description: Get ready to move to the beat as J’Miah shares stories from around the world. This is afree event.

Event: The Big Read: De Gullah Ooman with Queen Quet
Date: Wednesday, February 10th at 6:00 p.m.
Location: St. Helena Branch Library, 6355 Jonathan Francis Sr. Road
Description: Stories of Gullah women during the Great Depression re-enacted by Queen Quet. Everyone is welcome. No reservations required. This event is free.

Event: The Big Read: Film Showings and Discussion
Date: Saturday, February 13th at 12:00 p.m.
Location: Beaufort Branch Library, 311 Scott Street
Description: Watch the film version of Their Eyes Were Watching God and join us for a discussion about the book and movie. Everyone is welcome, no reservations required. This event is free.

Event: The Big Read: Book Discussions
Date: Thursday, February 18th at 5:30 p.m.
Location: Beaufort Branch Library, 311 Scott Street
Description: Join our branches’ book clubs as they discuss the focus of The Big Read project, the classic novel Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. Dr. Gloria Holmes, an award-winning professor at the School of Education at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT, will lead the discussion at two of the book clubs, as indicated below. Everyone is welcome to attend, no registration necessary.

For information on any of the programs, visit beaufortcountylibrary.org or call (843) 255-6456.

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What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays

What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays