Photo above: Local yoga instructor believes that laughter is the best medicine. Photo by John Arthur Photography.
By Molly Ingram
I came away from an afternoon chat with an amazing young woman which was part “get to know you” and part “doggie play date” with an incredible sense of wellbeing. Being with Brittney Hiller is simply exhilarating. Brittney owns Brittney Hiller Yoga and she is an accomplished yoga instructor, published author, outstanding massage therapist, and a breath of fresh air all rolled into one. “Anyone who is willing to change their life will change their life and I am elated to help them get started. I am a catalyst for their overall health change for those who want it.”

Have you ever heard of Laughter Yoga? I hadn’t either. It is a real thing and Brittney teaches it on a regular basis. The idea is that clients get more oxygen, and a way to relieve stress and reduce anxiety all while laughing. We have all heard the expression, “Laughter is the best medicine.” Well, Laughter Yoga incorporates two known benefits for our bodies into one experience. What a great idea. “I laugh through all of my classes, I say the most random things and it wasn’t until I was told by a cohort that I was ‘the only yoga teacher that I know that will say OM with a rap at the end.’ I didn’t realize my singing came out often, but clearly it does and above and beyond all things I truly am still just a kid and LOVE to have fun with those that choose to spend their time with me. One will never know what may come out of my mouth during a yoga class!” I don’t doubt it for one minute.
At the wise old age of 32, and with a background in customer service, Brittney understands the challenges of today’s world for many of us. Between massage and yoga, she works to make all of our lives better. “I work with people who are missing that extra boost of happiness and energy in their life; through yoga and massage therapy I help them create a foundation of happiness and wellbeing by empowering their healthiest and happiest way of living.”
Brittney is a true renaissance woman. Her mind is always going and exploring new arenas where just about anything can be created. Enter The Little Laughing Yogini, a children’s book Brittney launched last spring which is the basis for teaching yoga to youngsters. “Play is a terrific method of getting little ones on the right path early in life by instilling the benefits of breathing correctly. Plus it allows their imagination to develop and present itself in a safe, encouraging, and supportive environment.” Coming soon will be Mommy & Me Playshops and Story Times incorporating The Little Laughing Yogini, the ancillary coloring book, and yoga techniques all wrapped in a package to deliver new ways for parents to play with their children.

Brittney enjoys all that she does. “Let me tell you a story about an 83 year old gentleman who had limited strength in his left quadriceps when we started working together six months ago. Today, he can stand freely on his own without the help of the chair in most balancing positions during yoga class. These are the experiences are what light me up inside—seeing the ‘ah ha!’ moments in clients are what I live for!! I simply LOVE helping people become their most amazing self! I know it is there—they know it is there—yet sometimes they just need that gentle reminder and that is what I feel I am good at – giving that gentle push without being too pushy.”
I asked Brittney what the future held for her and her answer describes her better than I ever could. “FUN! I am planning on yoga teaching at festivals, laughter yoga therapy sessions for big corporations that want to better the wellbeing and community feel for their workers, taking the little yogini childrens book and adding new modules to it – I have written comes out and replaced by adding new modules to it and making more micro-courses available on my website for people who would love to practice with me, but haven’t the time or ability to get to a class. Basically, Just more all-out-FUN. I live with the constant intention of discovering how today can unfold better than I could ever imagine? Then, it often does!”
With her husband Andrew, and Armani and Abby, two rescue pups, by her side, the world is looking pretty good for Brittney and those who get the chance to meet her, or even better, work with her. She is a breath of fresh air in a world that can use more of it, literally and figuratively. Where was a yoga playshop when I grew up? You can read more about Brittney at or purchase The Little Laughing Yogi at or at several local retailers.